What are Ozlandish Writings?

From July 2010 to December 2014 we ran OZLAND PICTURE STORIES as described below. Sadly though the number of writers reduced over the years and we decided to call it a day. We leave these as a record of the good times we had.

Are "You" ready to challenge your writing skills? Then participate in our OZLAND Picture Stories writing series at The Ozland Art Gallery.

Each month a new picture will be picked, from our OZLAND Artist of the Month collection, with different themes. Your goal is to write a 500-1000 word... poem... essay... or story about the picture picked. This is a chance for you to challenge your writing skills each month. Story can be written in ANY genre... sci fi... romance... ghost... fantasy... fiction... non-fiction... biography... mystery... historical... whatever your writing genre... feel free to experiment. Send your writing inworld to Sven Pertelson as a notecard to have it included on the web site. We meet at the The Ozland Art Gallery each Wednesday at Noon and 6pm SLT to read the latest submissions on voice. More Information

Friday, July 23, 2010

Angel Christmas by Zarah Frostbite

Angel Christmas by Zarah Frostbite

In a cold winter land, there are beautiful houses all around, but there is one in particular which has a great story behind it.

It is a small blue house, A beautiful young women with her 2 children is living there, with a married man. She is only with him because of the money she needs to survive on with her children.

It is a Christmas evening, the woman is cooking the dinner for them but suddenly the married man storms into the kitchen yelling. The children run upstairs. This Christmas surely won't end up jolly.

The man yells, "My wife has accused me of cheating! What did you tell her ?".  The poor girl looks frightened and confused. In a small delicate voice the girl says "Do you have to leave? I did not tell a soul, I promise".

A fierce look in the man's eye, He approaches her closer.  The girl quickly wraps her arms around the man, gently kissing his lips, calming him.  The man pushes her off of him, throwing her back onto the wall. As the man approaches fiercely towards the woman, a light glows in front of her.  A guardian  angel appears in front of the poor woman.  As the man approaches her, about to smack her, the guardian grips onto his hand, saving the poor girl.

As the man looks up at the angel, he gasps in surprise. For the face looks like his little son who passed away of 'flu last Christmas.

The man falls onto his knees in tears, whispering to the angel "Son...". Wiping his tears the angel says "If you touch this girl, you will be hitting me..".  These powerful words hit the man, he backs away "I am sorry my son".

The angel disappears, and the man looks at the girl and says "I am leaving, going back to my wife.."

The woman speechless, on the floor in tears.

The angel appears again, but only to the women and whispers to her "God forgives you, this Christmas, grab your children and have a terrific Christmas with your children.

The End !

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